Tag Archives: christmas

Teen Moms in Uggs

Right now, as my fingers type this post, I feel guilty because I am taking time away from the long list of work that I have to complete before the end of the week. A new year means the rebirth of a client, therefore, January is always a busy time and I feel blessed for every occupied second. Busy = Employed!

Last night as I secretly watched (home alone, volume low and lights off) Teen Mom 2, I came to the conclusion that I no longer have to hide my affinity for bad reality TV. My guilty pleasure suddenly turned into a new age marketing observation project. I am referring to the fact that product placement has taken on an entirely new meaning. Last night’s Teen Mom episode documented Christmas Day for all of the show’s featured mothers. Other than the fact that these 4 young women were unexpectedly impregnated, they don’t have much in common with one and other, until this past Christmas. Coincidentally, Jenelle, a completely broke, failing student that often times sleeps in her car gave her mother (most episodes she professes hatred for this woman) a brand new pair of Ugg Boots!

A couple of scenes later we are witnessing the Christmas exchange between teen mom Kailyn and her boyfriend (not the father of her son). Jordan coincidentally bought Kailyn a pair of Ugg boots as well. Considering Kailyn often complains of not having enough money for diapers and rent, maybe Jordan should put that Ugg money towards more important necessities. MTV – the cat is out of the bag! 


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Filed under Social Media

‘Tis The Season For Client Gifts

Every year, I put a lot of thought into my client gifts. When October hits, I start exploring client gift options. Everything I do, I put a lot of time and effort into because I want to make an impact. If you have ever received a thank you note from me, you know what I am talking about. When it comes to my business I am even more meticulous about my decisions. Therefore, finding the perfect gift to thank my clients for utilizing my social media services, is a major task. Gossip Genie has amazing clients and we work hard to prove it to the public. However, this is difficult when trying to find a gift that represents Gossip Genie’s digital services and a client’s business. The Social Network on DVD was not an option nor was spray painting a dove blue and gifting a real-life “Twitter bird.”

Therefore, I put myself in the shoes of my clients and if you own a business, you know that some of your most coveted possessions are the ones with your logo on them. At Gossip Genie, part of our marketing goal is brand awareness so finding the right gift and branding it with my client’s logo, seemed like the perfect gift.

After scanning Pinterest for a long time, I happened upon this picture and I knew what my clients would be receiving this year – LOGO cookies!

I had to find the best company to handle my custom order and it was clear that Veronica’s Treats was the way to go. I sent the company my client’s logos and they helped me put together a grand basket for each one of my beloved clients. The entire time, I secretly wished I was my own client because these treats looked amazing.

This week was filled with rave reviews from my clients – “What a great idea, so cute and clever AND delicious!” One client even sent a picture of their half eaten basket – the goodies went so fast, a completely full basket picture was impossible to achieve!

As a thank from Veronica’s treats, my wish came true, I received a basked filled with my own logo cookies. I have to say the cookies, brownies and cake bites are some of the best I have ever had. You would assume that putting a logo on a treat would sacrifice the taste a bit, not the case with these. It’s also helpful to have your logo on the treats because I am savoring each bite because the treats are too adorable to scarf them all down right away.

Needless to say, I had a very happy holiday and I wish everyone else the same!

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