Tag Archives: guilty pleasure

3 Reasons Not to Watch This Season of The Bachelor

If the title of this blog post grabbed your attention because you agree with me, then I have already accomplished something today. This season of the Bachelor has been a big snooze fest in my opinion. There are a few factors that play into this.

1.) Two words: Reality Steve. If you haven’t already heard of him and you hate surprises, I am about to make your day. This guy receives all of the inside scoop on each season of the Bachelor/Bachelorette AS IT IS BEING FILMED. He will tell you all the nitty gritty details from each episode as well as the winner of the MOST DRAMATIC ROSE CEREMONY EVER. His posts are extremely witty and he does not hold back when making fun of the contestants; a guilty pleasure at the very least.

As usual, we can always find someone in the Twitterverse to agree with us!

2.) Ben is boring. All of those Ben lovers out there are going to find this hard to read but Ben is just not meant for reality television! I am sure he’s a very nice guy in person but as far as reality dating shows go, we all want to see a little more action. I have not figured out of it is his mono-toned voice or just the way the show has been edited but as each Monday night passes, I find myself zoning out into Pinterest land while the episode airs. All you pinners know what I’m talking about.

3. )  Pyscho girls. Is it the show that makes a young woman this insane or is it a requirement for the casting department? From blogger Jenna Burke’s meltdown to  Blakesley and Monica’s bizarre flirting scene, after 16 seasons of watching this dramatic show, I think I’ve had enough.


Who am I kidding…until next season.


Filed under Social Media

Teen Moms in Uggs

Right now, as my fingers type this post, I feel guilty because I am taking time away from the long list of work that I have to complete before the end of the week. A new year means the rebirth of a client, therefore, January is always a busy time and I feel blessed for every occupied second. Busy = Employed!

Last night as I secretly watched (home alone, volume low and lights off) Teen Mom 2, I came to the conclusion that I no longer have to hide my affinity for bad reality TV. My guilty pleasure suddenly turned into a new age marketing observation project. I am referring to the fact that product placement has taken on an entirely new meaning. Last night’s Teen Mom episode documented Christmas Day for all of the show’s featured mothers. Other than the fact that these 4 young women were unexpectedly impregnated, they don’t have much in common with one and other, until this past Christmas. Coincidentally, Jenelle, a completely broke, failing student that often times sleeps in her car gave her mother (most episodes she professes hatred for this woman) a brand new pair of Ugg Boots!

A couple of scenes later we are witnessing the Christmas exchange between teen mom Kailyn and her boyfriend (not the father of her son). Jordan coincidentally bought Kailyn a pair of Ugg boots as well. Considering Kailyn often complains of not having enough money for diapers and rent, maybe Jordan should put that Ugg money towards more important necessities. MTV – the cat is out of the bag! 


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