Tag Archives: Osama

Osama Bin Laden found in Abbottabad is Notta Bad for Social Media.

Where were you when JFK died? Where were you when the World Trade Centers collapsed?  And now another memorable one for Americans, where were you when you found out Osama had been captured & killed? It used to be that we would find out from a friend watching the news or overhear someone talking about it. Now thanks to Twitter & Facebook, it is safe to say this is where most people will remember hearing about the significant moments in history.  Below are some statistics that can give you a better understanding on what was happening on the Internet that fateful Sunday night.

-From a poll posted on Mashable.com,  31% found out about Osama’s death on Twitter and 20% found out on Facebook.; both mediums beating out T.V., text, and other sources.

-12.4 million tweets about Bin Laden were sent out per HOUR.  And 3,000 tweets were sent out per SECOND between the hours of 10:45 p.m. and 2:20 a.m. ET.

-Foursquare users are creating check-ins like “Osama’s Grave.”  Also, an Osama joke has already been circulating:  “Looks like Osama Bin Laden signed up for Foursquare on the wrong day.“

-There are currently over 474,000 “Likes” for the Facebook page “Osama Bin Laden is Dead” and has increased by 167 since I began writing this post.

-There were over 13,000 videos uploaded to YouTube-mostly of reporters as well as cities where huge celebrations were taking places.

-“Bin Laden” searches on Google were up 1 Million percent on Sunday night.

-13 Minutes elapsed Sunday night between the first tweet credited with breaking the news of Osama bin Laden’s death, and the change to his online Wikipedia entry reflecting that he had died.

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